Online Transformational Event

Experience life coaching to bust through a block in your life, rediscover yourself, and join a community of people who are stepping into who they TRULY are.

Have you been waiting for the call to adventure to truly connect with your own soul?

Join the Evolution Revolution!

5 x LIVE Masterclasses

Join Jamie Skagen as she walks you through the Evolution Revolution experience, uncover your limitations, discover your values, and create the courage to take action in your life!

Private Facebook Community

Join 100+ people as they walk through the Evolution Revolution transformational experience, courageously open up, discover more of who they are, and truly connect.

Get the support you've been missing.

Personalized Coaching

Get 5 private calls with a life coach that will help you in any area of your life that you're struggling with, looking for support in, or truly want to transcend.

I want to join NOW!

"If you are ready to dig in and dig deep, you have arrived. Facing the things we need to face about ourselves, even when it’s for the best, is not easy. Jamie provides a safe, supportive space full of relatable and reinforcing coaches that are here for you. Jamie and her people show up and show you how to do the same by leading the way and making a big impact. Friendships for life are formed and life changing breakthroughs happen as a result of this magical space that is F2Fi. Fuck it, what is there to lose?"

Beth Thames
Fear to F*ck It! – November 2020

What are you waiting for?

You're ready to say FUCK IT to your limitations and step into who you REALLY are, aren't you?

Join an entire community of people who are showing up authentically, vulnerably, and courageously - to embrace all of who they are...

Leaping into the life they want to live.